For the Least of These

Mission Yeshua is a VOICE for the children and community of Kabale, Uganda. We are coming together to help "the least of these."

Over the past few decades the town of Kabale has been a target for drugs, prostitution and child slavery. Through God's provision and some supernatural events, many of the "ring leaders" have been driven out of the community leaving a path of wreckage and hopelessness for many in the village. Through God's Favour, over 500 children are assisted on a daily basis.

Mission Yeshua currently focuses on the work in the town of Kabale, Uganda. God's Favour Daycare and School is our ministry partners in Kabale. As education is not a free service in Kabale, many of the children of poverty are not given the opportunity to learn. As a ministry, God's Favour is the first school in the slums of Kabale and has chosen to provide education to these children free of charge. The heart for this ministry was birthed during our visit to Kabale where some of our team members were able to get a clearer understanding of the ministry's goals, purpose, and the heart of the servant leaders and community. They were also able to spend time with the children and realize the drastic impact this ministry is having in the community.

Following our connection with them, these team members began sharing with friends and family about how we saw God moving. Many have risen to the occasion and have been extremely generous in giving and raising support and awareness for this community. We are humbled and grateful for the champions who have come along side this ministry. It has taken a village HERE to help a village THERE. Together we were able to assist in purchasing living quarters and buildings for the orphans of God's Favour, hundreds of meals for the families in the community that are connected with the ministry, and much more. In addition, this giving has mobilized the gospel and, because of these efforts, we have seen miracles and unprecedented salvations. We have also begun to understand the larger and long term needs at hand for Kabale and each of the children.

The next step for these this ministry will be best met by commitments from monthly sponsors, thus the formation of Mission Yeshua to assist in these efforts. Please consider becoming a part of the story of those in Kabale.

God bless you,

The Mission Yeshua Team

Be the Difference for the Least of These

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